DCN Visits Fan Expo Canada – Exclusive Interview With Smallville’s Supergirl Laura Vandervoort

DCN is on the mission of catching all the Smallville girls. Two years ago, we met and spoke with Canadian actress Kristin Kreuk, who portrayed Lana Lang. This year, Fan Expo Canada had a massive Smallville celebration!

The CW is hosting a major cross over event, Crisis on Infinite Earths. Iconic actors are coming back and reprising their old role. We finally see our favorite Batman, Kevin Conroy, don the Bat-suit. It was a celebration for Smallville as well. We will also see Smallville’s Superman in the event as well.

The cast had a reunion, including Tom Willing (Superman/Clark Kent), Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor), and the beloved Supergirl, Laura Vandervoort.

Kristin Kreuk was unable to make an appearence due to a flight cancellation, but she was sincerely sorry and had her co-star Laura conference call her in to the hundreds of fans.

But that didn’t stop Michael Rosenbaum from having a bro-time with Tom Welling. The two were on fire.

Laura Vandervoort plays Supergirl in Smallville, the lost cousin of Clark Kent, Kara Kent (Kara Zor-El). A target for Brianiac, she found herself on Earth. Some similarities between the two kryptonians is that they have an immense love for people, and so she became Supergirl to begin a stream of vigilantism.

Interview with Laura Vandervoort

Sharna Jahangir: How do you like coming back from Supergirl to the rebooted CW?

Laura Vandervoot: I think it’s great. I’ve always wanted Supergirl to have her own series, so the fact I heard they brought the show a couple years ago, I was thrilled to see that. And then they asked me if I wanted to partake in it and I was like “of course!” but if I do, I would love to be a villain and I want to look different. So that’s how they came up with Indigo, I did three episodes with them.

SJ: To rehash with Indigo, what’s another villain you’d be interested in playing for DC?

LV: I would say The Joker. But that’s basically Haley Quinn.

SJ: You would make a phenomal Joker, have you heard of the Elseworld stories where Martha is the Joker? Bruce Wayne’s dad plays Batman and his mom becomes the Joker.

LV: That would be so cool! Oh! I’ve always loved the Joker, so that would be fun!

SJ: I noticed you’ve dabbled in science-fiction, with werewolves, how does it feel going into superheroes and than trading into science fiction? And what’s your favorite realm?

LV: Ooh, that’s tough. Because it’s really not the realm, it’s the character. I really loved Elena in Bitten, because she was such as badass, and one of kind and took care of herself. So, it’s tough to say, I would say Elena, and the new Netflix series coming out called V-Wars. I play a character named Mila.

That concludes our interview with the kind and humble actress. Smallville is a fantastic world to be a part of, it was nostalgic having most of the team here. Thank you to her and Fan Expo Canada for making this happen.

Photographs taken by:

Sharna Jahangir, Instagram: @KatusuyaCrimson

Shaun McKinlay, Instagram: @kotoskahn 


Sharna Jahangir

Lover of all things Batman. Majored in English and Biochemistry at the University of Toronto. Graphic Designer, avid blogger, and hobbies in drawing comics. Sharna's not the best at maintaining a secret identity, but more than strong enough to protect her loved ones.