Review: Collapser #3

Review: Collapser #3

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writers: Mikey Way & Shaun Simon

Art: Ilias Kyriazis

Colors: Cris Peter

Letters: Simon Bowland


Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd



Learn the origin of Collapser!  Who was his father?  How did he get a black hole in his stomach?  Why is the black hole talking to Liam? All these questions are answered, and along the way Liam gets his big show business break!


Collapser #3 splits into two parts.  The first half which tells the story of the black hole in Liam’s stomach is different, interesting and quirky.  The second half encompasses every cliche that exists for the newly famous.  It turns out that’s not really Mr. Edgar that Liam ran into at the end of the last issue.  The black hole in Liam’s stomach is appearing to Liam as Mr. Edgar in order to communicate.  A sentient black hole?  Indeed!  I can easily say I’ve never heard of this concept before.  The black hole proceeds to tell Liam the story of his father and mother, betrayal and love which leads to Liam having this black hole in his stomach.

Although there’s a lot of exposition, the story the black hole tells is unique and definitely has that Young Animal vibe.  Liam’s adversary, the creature his father doubled crossed for complete control of the black hole that Liam now possesses, is a visually interesting blend of skeleton and perhaps World War I balloon pilot.  This alone makes him fit right into the bizarre concept that is Collapser.  While it’s no secret he’s the villain, his appearance utilizes references to horror and traditional bad guys.  It doesn’t matter he’s supposed to be from another planet.



After Liam starts some genuine super-heroing, he starts to get a big head.  Consequently, he falls into a cliched trap.  He leaves his girlfriend, Joss in the lurch.  He acts a bit stuck up about his abilities, think Booster Gold.  And he uses his celebrity to advance his show business career, think Peter Parker without the death of Uncle Ben to ground him.  All in all, it feels like we’ve seen it before.  He’s setting himself up for a big fall.  While there are usually two ways to go with this sort of situation, Young Animal comics tend to find a third alternative.  Collapser should’ve found that third way.  This really drags down the second half of Collapser #3.  It’s not until Baron Throe, the creature Liam’s dad betrayed, arrives at the end of the issue to threaten Liam’s friends that things start to turn the other way.


Almost smack dab in the middle, Collapser #3 is a story with two halves, but Ilias Kyriazis’ art pushes it over the halfway mark on the rating.  Be very excited about the interesting and unique concept of the sentient black hole and Liam’s father’s journey, but be prepared to be disappointed in Liam’s cliched behavior once his celebrity status rises.  Although, next issue’s tease of “Louder than Bombs” bodes well, especially if you’re a fan of The Smiths….


Matthew Lloyd

Matthew Lloyd

Master's Degree in Art History from the University of Louisville. Doctorate in Progressive Rock from Genesis and Rush. Father of 2 awesome daughters, husband to 1 amazing and understanding wife. Post-Doctorate in Comics from Heroes Aren't Hard to Find (Charlotte, NC) and Parts Unknown (Greensboro, NC). Managing a restaurant pays the bills.