Image Comics Review: Sonata #3

Review: SONATA #3



[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer:  Brian Haberlin and David Hine

Artists: Geirrod van Dyke and Brian Haberlin

Colors: Geirrod van Dyke

Letters: Frances Takenaga


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


Sonata continues her journey in the Southlands, where she encounters a naked madman and his imaginary lizard friend. Meanwhile, the other settlers are dealing with the havoc caused when a Sleeping Giant wakes



Brian Haberlin and David Hine provide an excellent introduction to the world of Perdita.  This third issue gives a glimpse into the Southlands and the eccentric naked man.

Rans versus Tayans…even in how they think their world was created.  Haberlin and Hine paint a “religious” view of what each culture was taught.  The Rans are a more peaceful origin akin to Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden.  The Tayans embrace a more “sexual savagery” akin to battle and then mutual admiration and then lovemaking that lasted for many cycles.  The look on Sonata’s face when told this story by Pau is priceless.

Treen (a Chewbacca type character) is quick to warn of the Valley of the Sleepers.  This character is both a voice of reason and the brawn that Sonata needs at time in this new journey.  However, through the lettering magic of Frances Takenaga, we find that his intentions are not so innocent in relation to the portals and Pau and Sonata!

Again, writers  Brian Haberlin and David Hine are in the midst of creating their own mythology.  Truly they are taking their influences from Tolkien, George Lucas, Mad Max, and a litany of other science fiction greats. A Pacifier is called in to ease the brain attack from a Sleeping Giant.  This is a clever duo in that the Pacifier can either communicate with or mute the power of a Sleeping Giant.  Mind melds aside, this is some great work.

The Rans and the Tayans are coming together to find Sonata and Pau.  Holy William Shakespeare!  The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

Korby, by all indications a naked mad man left behind in the Southlands by a prior expedition, takes Treen, Pau and Sonata to a temple via a flying craft.  In this new temple, it appears there is a nod to the Ran culture beginnings.  However, this is where it gets both dangerous and interesting for the party.

Haberlin and Hine are providing their readers with Easter Egg homages.  It’s Speilberg’s Ready Player One in a whole new version!



Haberlin and Hine are constructing their own canon.  I like it and I think it is well worth a try.  Treat the comic like a “word search puzzle” as you find what influences from pop culture they use!



I’m getting used to a new (old) universe).  Sometimes it is a nod to Shakespeare.  Sometimes it is Star Trek.   Again, a reader can recognize elements from a lot of different comics, stories and movies.  But it works and works well!  As a reader, consider adding this to your collections!  Consider adding Issue 1 to your collections.  And be on the lookout for issues  4, and 5.   It’s a fun ride already!

Carl Bryan

Doc B is a college physical education instructor that has coached numerous sports on the rec, club, and collegiate level. He has a wonderful wife, two awesome kids, and remembers when Kryptonite came in a lot of different forms. He also has learned not to utter "Mxyzptlk" backwards!