Dark Horse Review: Stranger Things: Six #3

Stranger Things

Review: Stranger Things: Six #3

Stranger Things


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Jody Houser

Artist: Keith Champagne and Edgar Salazar

Letters: Nate Piekos of Blambot

Colors: Triona Farrell


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan



“Our goal is to grant you full access to your powers” – Dr. Brenner to Francine, also known as subject Six.

Francine, also known as subject Six, faces a descent into the isolation tank as Dr. Brenner hopes to forceher psychic abilities to grow. She and the other children live at the mercy of the trials in Hawkins Lab, rats in Brenner’s maze. But under extreme pressure, will Francine’s abilities be amplified or her resolve?

Francine and the other gifted young people are being held in the Hawkins Laboratory by Dr. Brenner. Francine believes he will stop at nothing to harness their collective powers. Increasingly grueling experiments unlock dark visions of the future, convincing her and her friends that they must somehow escape with the rest of the children—but will their opportunity arrive too late?



Since the beginning of the phenomenon of Stranger Things and all things Eighties, the series has captivated a viewing population that craves the horror of their childhood.  And what better medium to use than comics.  Here we get to know Francine or “Six” and we get a glimpse of how children were recruited for the Program that began in Hawkins Lab.

Six is immersed into a sensory deprivation tank.  This experiment clouds her mind with images from her past, but also images of disdain in the present as well as creatures that may inhabit her future.  However, when she emerges, she tells Dr. Brenner the only thing she sees is “waffles”!  What a great homage to the television series.  However, what is the deal with waffles?  The Russo Brothers had us on the hook with this during the television series, but why is Judy Houser using this in her story?

Stranger Things

Everyone loves a “lover’s escape” from peril!  However, this is a bit too scripted.  At first, Ricky is in favor of Francine going to Hawkin’s Lab.  Now he is helping her escape?  Not quite sure how Ricky is being used or what his end game is.

Stranger Things


It’s moving slow.  This environment should assume we are caught up with the series, but the pace of the story telling needs to increase a bit!  Give the readers their due as we are all buying into the Stranger Things phenomenon!

The art isn’t spectacular but the images are “dead on” as the storyboards from the television series seem to be an inspiration for the artwork!



Prequels are hot!  The Eighties is back to being the newest cinema and comic playground.  And combine those two with the hottest show around, this story arc should be a slam dunk!  Keep investing in it, but also vote with your dollars.  If the pace doesn’t increase for Six, then rewind your VCR and keep watching Eleven and her pals on Netflix!



Carl Bryan

Doc B is a college physical education instructor that has coached numerous sports on the rec, club, and collegiate level. He has a wonderful wife, two awesome kids, and remembers when Kryptonite came in a lot of different forms. He also has learned not to utter "Mxyzptlk" backwards!