Sneak Peak At Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium

A sneak peak at Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium has been released.

Unlettered pages from Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #1 and #2 by Brian Michael Bendis have been released to the public.  Millennium will be a series that will feature segmented, character-specific stories written by Bendis and some of the best artists in the comic book business.

This sneak peak includes looks at some of DC’s best including Nicola Scott’s Booster Gold and Andre Lima Araujo’s Tommy Tomorrow pages.

Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #1 is scheduled for release on September 19th.

Jeff Testanero

Jeff Testanero

Hartford, Connecticut based blogger and podcaster. Graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting and serious comic book collector for the past 20+ years Diehard Superman fanboy