Review: NIGHTWING #61
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Dan Jurgens
Artist: Ronan Cliquet
Colorist: Nick Firaldi
Letterer: Andworld Design
Review by: Philip Clark
Nightwing #61, “City Ablaze”: the conclusion brings a gripping end to the current story arc. Any burning questions had from the previous issue, are answered in this one.
We find out who the mysterious monster is, and why they’ve been attacking police precincts. The story brings together Team Nightwing and Ric Grayson in a fantastically emotional plot.
I simply love the artwork in this issue! Cliquet does an excellent job with all the different Nightwing costumes. The fire monster, or Backburn as it is named in this issue, looks incredible!
I have to say, it’s very rare that I will give such praise to the artwork like this. I am definitely, much more of a story kind of guy. This issue however, really blew me away.
The detail in every panel is brilliant. I didn’t even realise Ric had a fire extinguisher in the first few panels. I had to go back and look, because I had missed that detail!
Honestly, pick this issue up for the artwork alone! Then stay for the excellently written story.
The only bad thing about this issue is that the end feels slightly too rushed. It’s almost like, as soon as Jurgens gave up the identity of Backburn, things happened very quickly.
I would love to see how the events of this issue affect the long term. Will it send ripples throughout Team Nightwing? How will it effect their relationship with Ric?
I absolutely love what’s going on with Nightwing at the moment, and anyone who left in the transition period, is missing out massively!
Jurgens is weaving a beautiful story that is both centred on, and not centred on Ric. It’s a strange feeling, but also a recognition of Jurgens’ fantastic writing.
The artwork, on the whole, has been very good, with some issues better than others.
Safe to say, I am highly excited for the rest of Nightwing, and seeing where Jurgens takes this story.
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment