Review: Hawkman #13

Hawkman 13

Review: HAWKMAN #13

Hawkman 13


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Robert Venditti

Artist: Will Conrad

Colors: Jeremiah Skipper

Letters: Starkings & Comicraft


Reviewed by: Cameron Tevis



After the battle with the Deathbringers, Hawkman finds he has time available to further research his past. He enters his museum to find notes written from one of his past lives. Notes that can shed some light.

Hawkman reads about the H’Gris-Malanite War that took place centuries ago on the planet Nebulen. The two factions had been at war so long that they had forgotten what they were even fighting for. Like Earth, Hawkman discovers that he had more than one past life on Nebulen. He also discovers that his numerous past lives had fought on both sides of the war repeatedly.

With each new life, he felt a growing familiarity in the battles. Each faction continued to respond to each other the same way for centuries. Finally, he believes responding in a new way could be the answer to everything.

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Initially, I was worried that with Bryan Hitch leaving, that the book would take on an entirely new feel. One that I might not think matches Venditti’s writing. But it seems as if I was worried for nothing. Will Conrad’s style resembles Hitch’s just enough to make the transition smooth. I look forward to seeing how his style progresses.

This is a single-issue story that Venditti uses to explore a past life of Hawkman. It’s an interesting issue with a more personal story. It’s a break from the universe spanning tale of the Deathbringers. I think this is excellent pacing to set up the next big arc without every storyline getting bigger and bigger.



I’m not sure I have a negative so much as an observation. I enjoyed the issue and think it’s great that Venditti can explore the past lives of Hawkman but it feels a lot like the film Edge of Tomorrow. Edge of Tomorrow is a film starring Tom Cruise that is based on the Japanese novel, All You Need is Kill written by Hiroshi Sakurazaka. In it, the main character is a soldier that finds himself in a time loop. Because of the loop he relives the same battle over and over.
This Hawkman issue is different enough to enjoy but perhaps it was inspired by Edge of Tomorrow. It was my first thought while reading the issue.


After an amazing twelve issue arc, Venditti brings us a more personal storyline. The single issue story is a nice break from the universe spanning first arc while preparing us for another big event with the Shadow Thief.

This issue makes for a great hopping on point for new readers since it explores one of Hawkman’s past lives without decades of canon to confuse them.

Hawkman continues to be the best ongoing book on the shelves. If you haven’t read an issue of this run then you are missing out on something special.

Cameron Tevis

Hi, I'm Cameron Tevis and I've been a comic book, anime and film fan my entire life. While I like Marvel and anime my true love is DC Comics. My father, who was a fan himself, introduced me at a very young age to the amazing characters in DC (especially Hal Jordan Green Lantern). I think it's a fantastic time to be a comic book fan and I'm happy I get to write about the company that I love so much. Besides being a DC fan, I am a designer and I recently started a comic book series of my own called Event Cycle 6 published through Aporian Comics. I recently wrote and directed a short film "The Misadventures of Harley Quinn". And most importantly I am now a father to my beautiful daughter Arya Jade!