Dark Horse Review: Predator: Hunters II


Predator cover


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer:  Chris Warner

Artist: Agustin Padilla and Andy Brase

Letters: Michael Heisler

Colors: Neeraj Menon


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan



“I could point the way, and you could wander for weeks and not find the Djinn.  Not before the Djinn finds you! – Atal, child guide to the Hunters looking for the Predator.

An execution of a CIA agent in Afghanistan by militants is interrupted by a Predator, whom kills the militants.  A skeleton crew of The Predator Hunters find a tape of the assassination attempt.  They leave for Afghanistan to search for the Predator.  It’s a race against time as another covert force is in a hunt for weapons (mysteriously guarded by the Predator).  The Predator Hunters are on a collision course with them as they seek the Predator.  Predator style action ensues where a final confrontation of all three groups take place.

Bloodshed, brutality, carnage….it’s always in the aftermath of the Predator.

Predator comic


Author Chris Warner provides a foreword to the trade paperback that explains his rationale for using Afghanistan as the backdrop.  And while his motives at a great political statement are there, he acknowledges that he felt like he was intruding on the history and people of Afghanistan.  Though his foreword explains his plight, it arguably would have been better to simply place the Predator in a fictional land.  This comic is not a great place to make a political statement.

The Predator makes classic “kill” poses and there are enough spines ripped out to see that he is bred the same as older versions.  If you have a weapon, look out.  If not, then you are pretty much safe!

There is an attempt to address PTSD with one of the characters, Swain, from his time in Afghanistan.  However,  it is very hard to get attached to this group of Predator Hunters as they are not Jesse Ventura or Arnold Schwarzenegger character continuations.  The comic doesn’t remotely link itself to that history, and we all know what happens when you come into contact with a Predator.

Agustiin Padill’s artwork is commendable, but arguably sexist at points.  And it is clear that there are certain parts that are standard Predator poses that he pays homage too.


This is a trade paperback that is library worthy for a read, but not for ownership.  Again, it is pretty predictable as to what is going to happen and is too formula driven.  I do appreciate the art endeavors, but the script is pretty stilted and the dialogue is pretty plain.

The author has a story to tell, but he is cramming ten pounds into a five pound sack.  Is it to draw attention to the political agenda of warring factions?  Why are they going after weapons when they clearly could make a purchase?  Too many open holes in this story.



I get the backdrop and how that type of Predator war fare could be carried out.  However, PTSD, political statements, and a celebration of all things Predator seem very contradictory.  If you are an uber fan of the Predator, check it out.  If not, you’re not missing much!




Carl Bryan

Doc B is a college physical education instructor that has coached numerous sports on the rec, club, and collegiate level. He has a wonderful wife, two awesome kids, and remembers when Kryptonite came in a lot of different forms. He also has learned not to utter "Mxyzptlk" backwards!