[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Cecil Castellucci
Artist: Adriana Melo
Colors: Hi-Fi
Letters: Sal Cipriano
Reviewed by: Tony Farina
The Female Furies have been Boomed to Earth to find their rouge member, Big Barda. She is on earth running from the rest of the Female Furies as she is searching for Scott Free. Granny does some freaky, freaky stuff involving a little lump. There is a lot going on in this issue, but while I know you know dear reader, that the could be spoilers ahead, I don’t feel good about giving too much away. You really do need to read this. However, here is one spoiler for all the little Fred Savages out there: this is a kissing book (but just for one panel).
Early on, when Barda finds Scott and realizes that the Female Furies are hot on her tale, she knows she must be wearing a tracker. She says, “Scott, you have my permission to look for it on my person.” What follows is a dialogue free master class by Adriana Melo on how to follow up maybe the most important line written in comics this year. When Cecil and Adriana are nominated for an Eisner in 2020, people will remember this page. I mean, come on, people will remember this book for a long time to come, but this page, is the perfect example of what these women have been doing for five months with this book. They are telling a moving superhero story that pays tribute to the Master himself Jack Kirby, while acknowledging the world that we are currently in. Oh, that happens on page four, so you know, there is so much more to see and read and love.
If you need a laugh in the midst of all of this madness, leave it to wordsmith Cecil Castellucci to drop a gem like, “I show affecting by punching. They should punch each other” after the Female Furies stumble upon an Earth couple who are touching each other. It is pretty perfect.
Also, in case you haven’t noticed, Adriana Melo has some MAD SKILLS. There is a fight scene right in the middle of the book where Barda and Scott have to take on the Female Furies and it is so detailed and perfect, until it isn’t. She draws what I can only describe as an old timey cartoon dust fight. When the dust clears, the furies are down and Scott and Barda are back to back. It is, honestly, wonderful. I wish I could show you it here, but it will best for you to go get it yourself.
Can a penultimate book be perfect?
Yes. It can.
Again, not to give too much away, but the final few pages of this book are something to behold. Then, just when you think you’ve had everything you can handle, there is a final page. Wow. Wowwie wow wow.
One to go. I am so excited to see what happens and sad to know it is almost over.