Review: Catwoman Annual #1

Catwoman Annual #1


Catwoman cover art


[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Joëlle Jones

Artists: Elena Casagrande, Le Beau Underwood, Hugo Petrus, Scott Godlewski

Colors: Jordie Bellaire

Letters: Saida Temofonte


Reviewed by: Carl Bryan


“That’s not exactly how it happened.  So I’ll give it to you straight from the horse’s mouth.  The tricky part is that you are going to have to trust me.” –  Catwoman being interviewed by detectives.
Selena Kyle/ Catwoman has a thing for strays.  And that thing lands her in the middle of an investigation full of theft, murder, betrayal and a possible frameup.  Mix in a call to Lois Lane, an appearance by Superman, and the appearance of Immortal Man, and you have a Catwoman tale that strays from her usual story lines.
Pour up a big bowl of milk…sit back and relax…this is not your usual cat tale.


Catwoman page



This is the type of Catwoman story that she deserves every month.  To close out the comic year via this Annual provides either the perfect ending or the perfect beginning to Catwoman.  To use her as a home for “strays” and a teacher for thieves is perfect!  And to give Catwoman a rationale as to what her “trophy room” is like provides the link to her motivation.  It also gives the fans a link to Batman and why he may keep some trophies of his own in the BatCave.

Selena as a thief mentor is perfect.  However, you always have that one student who screws everything up!  And that opens a can for murder and mayhem and an Immortal Man appearance.

I loved the angst in enlisting Lois’s help via a phone call.  And if you get Lois, you know that Superman is not far behind.  The web of connection between the power couples gets thicker.  And I am clearly rooting for a Cat and Bat reunion.  And that road leads through Lois and Clark!

Catwoman runs into detectives more than any character.  The line she walks between the law is so thin!  I like this about the character development she is being provided, and Joelle Jones should be commended for this story!

Kudos to Elena Casagrande for the “video interview” renditions of frames.  It works in this type of story telling!

Catwoman page


After last issue’s fiasco, Catwoman is right on track!  No negatives to report as this annual provides Catwoman the story she deserves.  Here is hoping that Jones writes a strong story from here on out on this run and the guests keep popping or in this case “swooshing” in!



The annuals are always a great read.  Each DC reader needs to purchase them, but more importantly, Jones provides a great Catwoman story that is worthy of this character!  You would be wise to buy this one!  It’s purrrfect!

Carl Bryan

Doc B is a college physical education instructor that has coached numerous sports on the rec, club, and collegiate level. He has a wonderful wife, two awesome kids, and remembers when Kryptonite came in a lot of different forms. He also has learned not to utter "Mxyzptlk" backwards!