Review: Harley Quinn #60

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Sam Humphries

Artist: Sami Basri

Colourist: Alex Sinclair

Letterer: Dave Sharpe



“The Trials of Harley Quinn: Death Trap” continues the story of Harley being tested by the Lords of Order and Chaos to be their kick ass Angel of Retribution! Already having gone through two trials, Harley’s had to learn some pretty important lessons on the way.

With the new revelation in this issue that the trials could be hazardous to Harley’s health. Harley starts looking at the trials in a new light. Not that she lets it affect her in any way though!


Harley Quinn is quickly becoming one of my all time favourite comic books. I find her, as a character to be fascinating. She’s a character that can both be completely independent and bad ass, while also being very vulnerable. There are few, if any, other characters that can pull this off as well, or easily as Quinn does.

Humphries creates a beautiful, well written story that even includes a flashback inside a flashback! There’s mystery, comedy, and a bucket full of emotion. Everything a Harley Quinn issue needs, and for the most part has.

Basri does a fantastic job at filling up the pages with hordes of alien enemies, whilst also portraying the fear Harley is feeling. I mean, just look at the panels below. They’re incredible!


What I’d like to see more of, is more history behind the trials. Mirand’r constantly mentions that previous trials have all ended in grizzly death of the participant. I’d like to see that! Maybe as a flashback that Mirand’r shows Harley, or even the Lords of Order and Chaos could make an appearance? That’d be pretty cool.

It just feels like Humphries is taking us along for a ride with the trials, and we’re supposed to nod along and follow. More backstory!


Yet another very strong issue of Harley Quinn. I’m seriously loving this run at the moment, and I highly suggest picking this up if you can! You won’t be disappointed.

I hope DC manage to keep Humphries on this title, he’s doing such a great job with Harley Quinn. He should never leave!



Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment