Review: Gotham 5×06-“Stitches”

[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Director: Ben McKenzie

Writer: Seth Boston

Starring: Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, David Mazouz, Morena Baccarin, Sean Pertwee, Robin Lord Taylor, Erin Richards, Camren Bicondova, Corey Michael Smith, Chris Chalk & Cameron Monaghan


Gordon assembles an unlikely team to protect Gotham from Eduardo Dorrance and his Delta Force. Just as Lee Thompkins resurfaces, Barbara reveals shocking news that will change Gordon’s life forever. Meanwhile, Selina and Penguin team up to outsmart fellow villain Magpie.


Ben McKenzie is once again great as a director. He works well with the cinematographers to create ahis own unique visual of Gotham. The show has consistently been able to provide a well crafted universe and set of visuals to its audience.

I really like this Gotham vs. the military plot. It fits into the show’s bizarre tone really well and makes the situation all the more helpless. The only real hope Gotham has is their own worst enemy. And it forces Gordon to work with the villains which I like a lot.

Penguin and Selina are a fun team. It’s fun to see these two actors play off each other.

I like that this version of Bane has a personal connection to Gordon. I know that will be weird to the purists but since this is Gordon’s show, it’s a lot more satisfying for this version of the universe.


Magpie was somewhat underwhelming. When she first appeared, I assumed it was Ecco. She’s played similarly and comes across as generic. The look is cool.

Lee Thompkins also having a chip like Nygma is a very obvious twist. I think it is supposed to be a surprise and it falls a little flat.


This is a solid episode. I like the main conflict and the compromises it forces Gordon to make. It looks great which is personally engaging. I have a couple minor gripes but it’s an enjoyable episode.


Sean Blumenshine

Sean Blumenshine

I am currently a senior at Wichita State University studying communications. I started reading comics in 2013 because of how much I loved Man of Steel and season one of Arrow. My favorite hero is the Green Arrow and my favorite villain is the Joker.