Seven Deadly Sins Revealed in ‘Shazam!’ Toyline

Mattel - DC Comics News

Shazam! Is coming to theaters soon and audiences still don’t know much about the villains in the film. They have seen Doctor Sivana but some don’t realize the true enemies are the Seven Deadly Sins since they have not been absent from the trailers.

But the official photos of the Mattel toy line based on the film have given us our first look at the Sins. Evidently, each member of the Marvel family comes with one of the Deadly Sins. To be honest, I’m surprised the Marvel family toys don’t come coupled with their child alter egos, then sell the Seven Deadly Sins with more detail separately or keep the level of detail and sell as a seven pack. Regardless

Coming off the heels of the mega-hit Aquaman, Shazam! has a lot to live up to. But based on the trailers and toy photos, Shazam! Looks to be a fun ride.

Shazam! hits theaters April 5th.


Seven Deadly Sins - DC Comics News

Cameron Tevis

Hi, I'm Cameron Tevis and I've been a comic book, anime and film fan my entire life. While I like Marvel and anime my true love is DC Comics. My father, who was a fan himself, introduced me at a very young age to the amazing characters in DC (especially Hal Jordan Green Lantern). I think it's a fantastic time to be a comic book fan and I'm happy I get to write about the company that I love so much. Besides being a DC fan, I am a designer and I recently started a comic book series of my own called Event Cycle 6 published through Aporian Comics. I recently wrote and directed a short film "The Misadventures of Harley Quinn". And most importantly I am now a father to my beautiful daughter Arya Jade!