Review: Supergirl #27

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Marc Andreyko

Artist: Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira

Colors: FCO Plascencia

Letters: Tom Napolitano



Supergirl aligned herself with the Omega-Men in the previous issue. With their help, the many prisoners kept under Harry Hokum’s control are that closer to finding their freedom. At the same time, we readers become acquainted with the individuals that grabbed Z’ndr and Krypto – we see who they are, and their strong ties to his personal past.


It’s easy for some titles to feel the need to bog down plot with clarifying elements. Supergirl thus far has not been guilty of this. It has moments for Supergirl to report back in her speech that, sure, she starts the issue toting an energy blaster simply because her powers are drained. The nitty-gritty of the plot is up to a reader to remember. Her involvement with the Omega-Men; even down to Krypto’s sickness is up front in the plot, but there for readers to recall.


The issue at large felt very frenetic. It spends very little time not in a place of high action. Not to say that there’s anything wrong with this model of telling a comic book story, it’s however, very easy to feel dragged out. We hold on for over ten pages with Supergirl in battle with little emotional investment. This is to say if we didn’t remember the events of the previous issue. Anyone coming into the title cold would feel very confused.


This issue provides the fun and intensity, and space age action, we’ve come to expect from this title. The driving force as to why Supergirl is in deep space is still true, but her direction and involvement with the Omega-Men has her fighting a new angle, which will set up future issues and future storylines in a very interesting way.