Review: Harley Quinn #58

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Sam Humphries

Artist: John Timms

Colorist: Alex Sinclair

Letters: Dave Sharpe



‘Hunted By The Bat’ Part Two continues on from issue #57, where Harley is taken in for questioning by none other than the big bad Bat. Evidence points to Harley as the prime suspect for a murder, although she claims she’s innocent! When the body of the victim mysteriously goes missing, Bats and Harley race to solve a crime in the space of a night.


I really love Batman and Harley’s relationship in this issue. Harley is desperately trying to prove her innocence, while also trying to prove that she’s a changed woman to Batman. Batman doesn’t believe her immediately, and treats her as a criminal. Harley, being Harley, doesn’t get disheartened by that, and actually uses it to enhance her efforts.

It was really interesting seeing two of DC’s strongest-willed characters butt heads, while ultimately trying to achieve the same goal. The characters are so well written by Humprhies, if not a little exaggerated in some areas of their personalities. But on the whole, the dynamic between the duo is extremely well written and drawn out on the page.

There are a few pages in particular that captures their relationship perfectly, especially when beating down on some street thugs. John Timms does a brilliant job at drawing such iconic characters, while also making them stand out from others.


Honestly, Harley Quinn is becoming a comic book series that is almost close to perfect. The only thing I’d say that is letting the series down currently is that the artwork is still inconsistent. Some issues it’s fantastic, and in others it seems lack lustre. If the creative team can really pull it together with some consistent art, this would be my favourite title out at the moment. But that’s more a negative of the series as a whole.


This issue had it all. A brilliantly woven story that is only going to get better. Great artwork throughout the issue. Truly a masterpiece.



Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment