Review: Black Lightning 2×11 – “Prodigal Son”

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Director: Rob Hardy

Writer: Pat Charles

Starring: Cress Williams, China Anne McClain, Nafessa Williams, Christine Adams, Marvon Jones, James Remar



The most consequential thing to happen in this episode of Black Lightning was the death of Khalil (just remember you were warned at the start of the article that this review may contain spoilers). He started out as a cocky kid, became a villain then a star-crossed lover willing to sacrifice everything for the woman he loves and ended up a redeemed hero. Not a bad arc my friend. Godspeed.

While his death is sure to impact her for a long time to come, one of Jennifer’s coping techniques was to continue therapy with Perenna. As result she continues to expand, control and understand her powers.

The person who caused Khalil’s death, Tobias, continues to tighten his grip on Freeland’s underworld. His latest plot? Teaming up with the shady Dr. Jace.



As sad as it was to say goodbye the Khalil, it was good that he got the sendoff he deserved. He earned a hero’s sendoff because he worked hard for it. The characters in this show don’t always have uneasy go of it, but they do have the character development that superhero shows don’t always get, had his death been easier or cheaper it wouldn’t be worthy of this show.

It was nice to see Henderson have more of a role. He’s been in the background, but now that he was introduced to the hideout he could be a crucial part of the team. I say welcome aboard.



It would be nice to have seen Khalil live to see his full potential as an ally of Black Lightning.

Jennifer going back to therapy was a good development, but I wonder if it will be enough to truly deal with her loss. So far I have my doubts.

Dr. Jace. Is it me or is her character just getting more and more annoying?



Another strong episode. We have reached the point in the season when things start to happen fast. Khalil’s death was one of the most significant events so far and the consequences will continue to be felt for a while. The emotional beats were all hit and we continue to see the true humanity in these characters. A superhero show on a major network can easily rely on special effects, lights and a light story, Black Lightning provides more depth, character development and overall purpose.