Shazam Director Sandberg Shares Funny Behind The Scenes Clip Of Line Readings

Shazam - DC Comics News

David F. Sandberg, who is at the helm of DC’s next big movie release Shazam, shared a video recently of actor Jack Dylan Grazer, going through post-production line readings. The thing to note here is some of the changes that are taking place to clean up some of the language that end up being rather humorous in the end.

Come this April 5th, you will be able to watch a live action version of Shazam come to life on the big screen for the first time ever. Like many comic book movies these days, the film is aiming for a PG -13 rating. Usually that involves some mild cursing throughout the movie but nothing too intense.

The thing about it though is that if you want to have the movie ready and available for television audiences, that means that you have to clean up the language even further than what the theaters would allow. As such, this leads to some lines being re-recorded in a sound booth during a movie’s post-production and Shazam is no exception to that rule.

Sandberg tweeted a video, that you can see below, that features the aforementioned actor Jack Dylan Grazer, recording some lines in an effort to clean up the language a bit but the results has everyone laughing. See for yourself:

That’s one way to clean up that particular word but do you think it’s a bit too much? Though the production team is having fun with this, what do you guys think about the language used here? Does it go too far in the opposite direction to the point of absurdity? Let us know in the comment section!

Shazam premieres April 5th, 2019

Joseph Marcas

Joseph is a contributor to DC Comics News and hopes to someday become a superhero. He enjoys writing, politics, and everything between ballet and monster truck rallies.