DC Teams Up With Italian Publisher SBE For Series Of Crossovers

Italian publisher Sergio Bonelli Editore has announced a series of crossovers between characters in its universe and DC Comics characters, alongside from DC’s Italian co-publisher RW Edizioni.

SBE is Italy’s largest comic book publisher, and their characters include Tex Willer, Dylan Dog, Zagor, Mister No, Martin Mystère, Dragonero, and Nathan Never. The first crossover, coming in 2019, will pair Zagor, a Western-era superhero, with the Flash.

The second planned crossover will follow in 2020, though the characters involved have not been named.

“Everyone at Sergio Bonelli Editore is excited to be part of an event of this magnitude,” said Editorial Director Michele Masiero in a statement. “Our creative minds set off the moment we met DC and RW friends for the first time. We look forward to the right moment to announce the characters linked to the other projects, and the wonderful artists who will work there.”

“We are proud to help make this historic project possible and be part of it,” added Pasquale Saviano, Managing Director of RW Edizioni. “We look forward to working with SBE and DC to give Italian readers the most exciting stories they could have ever expected.”

The untitled Zagor/Flash crossover is scheduled for a 2019 release.