Screen Junkies drops an Honest Trailer for the 90s animated classic, Batman: The Animated Series. The original show ran from 1992-1995. and continued as The New Batman Adventures from 1997 to 1999. It’s widely considered the greatest on-screen version of the story by fans, largely due to its complex psychological explorations, striking, hand-crafted animation, and Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill’s legendary voice work as Batman and The Joker, respectively. DC even had to increase production of the series on Blu-ray to meet fan demands, although the series is also available for streaming exclusively on the DC Universe streaming service.
The Honest Trailer highlights everything masterful and laughable about Batman: The Animated Series, including under-appreciated heroes and villains, seldom pointed-out continuity errors, and stark (often preferential) contrasts to the other Caped Crusader on-screen adaptations. Check out the trailer below:
Also, please be sure to check out DCN’s roundtable interviews with the cast of BTAS from this year’s NYCC!