DC Universe introduces “Titans” Characters with online Trailers!

One of the first DC Universe streaming series, Titans, debuted four character teaser videos this past week, focusing on its core cast.

Each of the four 30-second character promos tease important points of interest: Beast Boy’s lack of clothing when he transforms, Dick Grayson’s traumatic loss of his parents that leads him to becoming Batman’s protegé, Raven’s spiritual battle within herself, and finally Starfire’s torturous empowerment.

Catch Titans on DC Universe in 2019.

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I'm an Ontario-based news writer, as well as graphic illustrator with his own commission business. I've been a comic collector since I was ten and have enjoyed the lore of these larger than life figures ever since. I graduated with an HBA from the University of Toronto in Humanities and have worked for both local and online news outlets.