[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: James Robinson
Artist: Stephen Segovia
Colors: Ivan Plascencia
Letters: Rob Leigh
Then, the pulse-pounding “On the Outside” storyline hurtles toward its cataclysmic conclusion! Batman has tasked Katana, Black Lightning, the Signal and Orphan (a.k.a. Cassandra Cain) with stopping a rogue operator using alien technology that can crack into any mind on Earth! What does this case have to do with the Brainiac Files seen in JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE #1? And how does Amanda Waller factor in? Guess you’re “outside” of Batman’s circle of trust… for now.
With a new team taking over the book, one of the first things most readers usually notice right away is the art style. Segovia has taken over on art from Miguel Mendonca, whose art style brought prestige to the book and made readers almost forget they were reading a monthly comic book, but Stephen Segovia obviously has plans of his own on how to draw the Dark Knight and this universe, as his aesthetics invite the reader into a rather warm canvas.
The opening scene is one of nostalgia, as this is reminiscent of the many crime scenes we have seen with Commissioner Gordon and Batman. The Dark Knight looks over the crime scene, as longtime fans have seen this very scene play out a hundred times, and it is as enjoyable as every single other time. We tend to forget in these moments that Batman is a superhero, and instead look at him as just another crime solver protecting his city.
We also get a very familiar villain, one not as iconic as Joker and the Penguin, but one that has given Batman more fits than most, and asymmetrical to what his contentious relationship with Selina Kyle has been, as has been alluded to several times throughout this issue. Lastly, we also get to see Batman actually save lives as Firefly sets a house fire that pushes Batman into action.
There are no negatives worth mentioning in this issue.
This issue gives readers a new creative team, and through well-structured plotline, dense character studies and the aesthetics that they employ throughout, they show their love for both the characters and this world. The story by Robinson is fast paced, well developed, and exciting. The art by Segovia is elegant. This issue is a change in tone, story structure and cast of characters, giving fans a sort-of reset on the book.