Jeffrey Dean Morgan really wants to star in another DC movie.
Morgan played The Comedian in Zack Snyder’s Watchmen film and recently had a cameo as Thomas Wayne in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice but now Morgan wants a more iconic character; he wants to play Lobo.
Recently, Morgan was asked which Marvel character he would be interested in playing in the MCU. Morgan mentioned that he briefly considered Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four but then quickly changed the subject to DC and answered:
“The only one I want to play is DC and Lobo. He’s badass!”
This is not the first time the actor revealed his desire to play the alien mercenary. Morgan first brought up the idea in 2009, back when Guy Ritchie was reportedly set to bring the character to the big screen but doubted he had the body to play the role. Morgan joked that the studio could transplant his head onto Mickey Rourke’s body.
The idea of bringing Lobo to the DCEU or DC Dark film brands hasn’t yet been confirmed and whether or not Morgan is the right choice for the character is up for serious debate, but there is no denying that he would be an interesting choice for the Lobo character. Morgan already proved he can pull of the cigar-chomping, larger-than-life, foul-mouthed, ruthless yet eerily likable acting style as both The Comedian (Watchmen) and Negan (The Walking Dead) which would make him a strong candidate if, IF, Lobo was ever brought to the big screen.