Review: Batman: Kings Of Fear #1

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Scott Peterson

Artist: Kelley Jones

Colors: Michelle Madsen

Letters: Rob Leigh



Legendary artist Kelley Jones makes his triumphant return to the Dark Knight in this explosive miniseries written by former BATMAN editor Scott Peterson! Batman’s been overseeing Gotham City for years now and isn’t sure how much of a difference he’s making. Doubt, fear and insecurity are starting to take over. And as all of those negative feelings set in the Scarecrow orchestrates a riot at Arkham Asylum to give the Dark Knight one of his greatest challenges yet! This six-issue miniseries will see the Scarecrow in a horrifying new way that you’ll have to read to believe.


Wow! simply, wow. Perhaps one of the most impressive issues of the year. Kelley Jones recreates the 90’s feel of comics giving that big nostalgia push to an audience that has been faithful to DC for more than two decades. It’s an incredible book for those feeling that crisis event after crisis event, reboot after reboot, that the comic world lost some of its grungy edge that made it great for a whole generation. The book’s main story has already pitted the Dark Knight against the A-list of his rogues gallery, taking them out with ease to demonstrate just how angry and strong this iteration of Batman has become.


The book begins with Joker taunting Batman and setting up a small trap to pull the Dark Knight from the shadows. The majority of the pages then focus on Joker doing a small monologue taunting Batman from the back of his bat-mobile. The silence is broken with Batman spouting how truly not in the mood he is. While this was good and sets up what may be a dark secret occurring in our hero’s life that put him in such a foul mood, it would have been great to have the comic continue this path, instead of introducing the asylum, which could’ve been saved until the next issue.  They couldv’e also had the doctor’s comments of Batman’s hero complex come from Joker. Being one of the most dark and mysterious characters of this universe, it would’ve been a perfect opportunity to truly get at the core of the Clown Prince of Crime, his heart, his motives, who he is, without actually revealing who he is.


Going to the back lot of any comic store is an experience onto itself. Nothing describes finding hidden gems, critiquing covers and finding art work you never thought would work, but did at the time. The only sad part of the experience is knowing that the era in which those books were written is gone. This book is the exception, great art that calls back to what a lot of the audience grew up with, stories that have that edge and go places no other comics can go. What a great start and we definitely hope for more!