Courtney Whitmore’s Origin Revealed in “Stargirl” Casting Breakdown

DC Universe’s upcoming series Stargirl released a casting breakdown that contains everything you need to know about the character’s origins.  The show is being written by Geoff Johns, who also created Stargirl as a tribute to his younger sister who died in the 1996 TWA flight 800 explosion.

Despite not being released until 2019, we have recieved a lot of information regarding the character’s origins in the show.  Even though Courtney Whitmore will be 15 years old in the show, producers are looking for an 18+ actress of any enthnicity that can portray traits such as “intelligent, compassionate, and athletic.”

The series appears to be staying close to its comic book roots, as the depiction of a young girl living in L.A. being forced to move to Blue Valley, Nebraska because of her mother’s new marriage is close to the character’s first appearance in Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.S #1.  In the comics, Courtney later discovers that her stepfather, Pat Dugan, was actually a sidekick when she steals some of his old equipment as an act of rebellion and for a school dance.  Eventually, she discovers what the equipment can do and learns to become a hero under the mentorship of Pat Dugan.

It is unclear whether or not S.T.R.I.P.E., Special Tactics Robot Integrated Power Enhancer, will appear in the show, but one notable change from the comics is that Courtney will not spend any time as the Star-Spangled Kid before she takes on the mantle of Stargirl.  How do you feel about this depiction of Stargirl? Let us know in the comments!

Ari Bard

I am currently a Sophomore at Case Western Reserve University studying mechanical engineering. I have been in love with DC since I saw the animated series and movies in the early 2000s. I started reading comics regularly at the start of Rebirth. My favorite character is Martian Manhunter.