Review: Doomsday Clock #6

Doomsday Clock - DC Comics News

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Written by: Geoff Johns

Illustrated by: Gary Frank



The Joker and his goons have captured Batman, Mime and Marionette. Joker leads them to meet the DC villains congregated together to discuss the Supermen Theory. On the way Mime and Marionette make short work of Joker’s goons to show him that they are staying by choice. Joker likes what he sees in the two of them.

During the big meeting of villains, the Comedian appears and starts killing them one by one as he tries to reach Mime and Marionette.

Throughout the issue a parallel story delves into how Mime and Marionette met and how they became who they are today.

 Doomsday Clock 6 - DC Comics News


This was a great issue that really explored the relationship between Mime and Marionette. Their backstory not only let the audience learn more about the mysterious duo, but it also let made them care about the two of them.

Many have said, me included, that Gary Frank is an underrated artist. He proves that with every new issue that comes out. Such beautiful depth, personality and detail is found in every frame. I can’t imagine anyone else on this book.



I don’t have any negatives on this issue. Each issue I anticipate something other than what I’m given, but each time it is a fantastic backstory or reveal. I can’t wait for the next issue.



A great issue with a great backstory to characters that I think are instant classics. We are now at the halfway point for the series and it has been nothing short of fantastic so far. I am really excited for what this series will still bring us.

Cameron Tevis

Hi, I'm Cameron Tevis and I've been a comic book, anime and film fan my entire life. While I like Marvel and anime my true love is DC Comics. My father, who was a fan himself, introduced me at a very young age to the amazing characters in DC (especially Hal Jordan Green Lantern). I think it's a fantastic time to be a comic book fan and I'm happy I get to write about the company that I love so much. Besides being a DC fan, I am a designer and I recently started a comic book series of my own called Event Cycle 6 published through Aporian Comics. I recently wrote and directed a short film "The Misadventures of Harley Quinn". And most importantly I am now a father to my beautiful daughter Arya Jade!