Geoff Johns Talks ‘Doomsday Clock’ At SDCC

During the Geoff Johns panel, the DC legend touched a bit on Doomsday Clock.

This takes me five times as long to write as any other comic I’ve ever written and it takes Gary five times as long to draw it. So thank you, everyone who is reading,” Johns opened, before giving fans a look at the upcoming 6th issue.

Johns teased the imminent explanation of Doctor Manhattan’s appearance in the DC Universe. “It’s going to be revealed very soon,” he assured.

DiDio called out issue #6 as a major turning point of the book. “It’s about Mime and Marionette and the super villains existing in a world where the Superman Theory exists. The villains are wondering hat their role is in the looming Super War,” Johns explained, “the other half of the story is the origin of Mime and Marionette. It’s a very emotional story, probably the most emotional we’ve had in the books.

When we first set out to compare Watchmen and the DC Universe, people thought that the Watchmen world would be the more screwed up, darker world and that’s true and it’s not,” Johns said.

Doomsday Clock #6 hits shelves on July 25th.