Brace Yourselves–Superman Is Coming To Your TV Screens



That’s right DC faithful, the Man of Steel is getting his own television ad to promote the new Superman #1 written by Michael Bendis.  Bendis began his run writing the new Superman for DC Comics for the miniseries Man of Steel, which has recently run its course and continues his telling of the Superman story with both the Superman and Acton Comics titles for very long runs.

The commercial comes as a major ad campaign highlighting Bendis’ arrival to DC after leaving Marvel, a move that left major comic book fans stunned.  Bendis isn’t afraid to push the boundaries of a character, a fact shown with his run during his time on the Man of Steel miniseries.

Rebirth has left writers like Bendis a ton of information and material to work with moving forward inside the DC Universe, and Bendis is more than thrilled to get working long term on Superman.

“I would not have come up with this story — or the storyline or the theme — without Jor-El…when I first got the book, I called up and I said, ‘Is this really Jor-El? Is it Mxyzptlk or something? Are we going to find out [it’s a trick?]’….’No, that’s really him. Are you okay with it?’ I went, ‘Thank you!’ I didn’t even know where I was going….I can tell you flat out I would’ve never gone down a road with Jor-El on any level if not for this beautiful gift, which has completely opened the book to me.”

No matter what the future brings for Michael Bendis with DC Comics and Superman one thing is for sure, Superman fans around the world are in for a great treat and something new to love about Superman.

Superman #1 hits stores everywhere on July 11th.

Jeff Testanero

Jeff Testanero

Hartford, Connecticut based blogger and podcaster. Graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting and serious comic book collector for the past 20+ years Diehard Superman fanboy