Anyone familiar with Brian Michael Bendis’ early work Torso (the true story of a Cleveland area serial killer that ended the career of legendary cop Elliott Ness) knows the name Marc Andreyko. He was Bendis’s partner on the project and architect of 2000’s cult hit Manhunter. It seems Bendis has a plan for Manhunter on his run on Action Comics. This (kind of) collaboration is made all the easier because Andreyko has taken over Supergirl and now both creators share and editor in Kevin Maguire. Bendis had this to say:
“Marc is the writer of Supergirl, which comes right out of some plot threads that we laid down in The Man of Steel #5 and #6,” Bendis told “He’s working with my dear friend, Kevin Maguire, so it’s two dear friends that I’m so excited are having such a good time working together. They were friends that didn’t know each other, and now they know each other, and I knew they’d love each other, and they do, and it’s fun to watch….Marc literally just stands there and stares at me and goes, ‘Bring Manhunter back, bring Manhunter back,’ so we’re working on Manhunter. Somehow, some way, Manhunter is finding her way into something.”
Action Comics #1001 hits stores later this month.