Review: Suicide Squad #43

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Rob Williams

Artists: Julio Ferreira, Eduardo Pansica




“CONSTRICTION” part three! Trained to kill by Kobra, Deadshot’s daughter Zoe may be even more deadly than her father. Batman and Deadshot must face her down and stop her before she kills both them and all of Kobra!



Part Three of Constriction keeps the tale of Deadshot searching for his daughter going. Batman continues to play a heavy role in the story form start to finish. The growing tension over morality does throw the partnership of Batman and Deadshot overboard early on following a climatic battle with serpent thugs and the giant serpent monster we saw in the closing moments of the last issue. Lawton has some introspective moments at the beginning of the issue reflecting on what batman stands for and contrasts what he does. An interesting point he raises, Floyd considers himself the epitome of firearms, something he know batman openly despises, however the love of there children is what binds them together and keeps the partnership alive until lines are crossed and rules are broken.

The latter half of the comic has the rest of the Suicide Squad, Captain Cold, Harley Quinn, and Captain Boomerang making a comedic appearance, flying in on a helicopter with no gas. Lawton’s daughter finally discovers the true purpose for her kidnapping. The Serpent cult seek to cash in on what they consider her genetic gifts and recreate there famed assassin recoil. As mind control begins to set in she calls out for one last time seeking her fathers help. The closing moments have Batman and Lawton taking a daredevil dive off cliff to escape the Suicide Squad and reach Deadshot’s daughter as Batman discloses he has pin pointed her location and convinces Lawton to take the plunge as no parentage is without sacrifice.

Comic books that teach are the best. With so many lessons and questions this book is not only entertaining but well written and features some amazing art work. The inner cover featured a skull catacomb of the Suicide Squad members that was breath taking. The arc continues to impress and chug closer to an epic conclusion.


While I enjoyed the comic I did take issue with the heavy inclusion of Batman. The arc has been great but instead of including the Suicide Squad in there own titular comic, they are reduced to a few panels and a used a comic relief for a serious story. Batman is the corner stone of DC comics and its inevitable for him to pop up everywhere however when he is used correctly he can integrate into a story and not completely take it over as is the case here. The books also seem to have little progression as well. The comic was impressive in terms of morality and pitting alliances against each other however we got very little progression to the story making the book feel like filler.



I did enjoy the read and hope the story telling continues to build and look forward to an epic conclusion however the book needs to go back to the team with the great stories that can be done with them.