Review: Bombshells United #19 (FINAL ISSUE)

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Marguerite Bennett

Artists: David Hahn



In this final issue, the war—and the Bombshells—come to an end at last. With grief and with grace, the world is changed—forever.


In the first few panels, the issue starts with a heartbreaker when a certain magician sacrifices herself for the greater good. It’s a shocker for fans of the character, but also of this version of the heroine. Not everything goes bad, Kate and Maggie are reunited, as Bennett provides both tragedy and happy conclusions in what is a bittersweet ending to an excellent book.

We also get a different Bruce Wayne in this book, as he is younger than Catwoman, seeking her guidance. He ultimately teams up with her, becoming the Robin to her Batman.

Lastly, Bennett gives fans a lengthy epilogue which ties up each story in a nice little bow, one that will have fans choking up that these stories have come to an end, and that this will probably be the last time we will ever see these heroines in action.



This was a great issue, and there are no negatives here.  I just wish Bennett had been able to give fans a double size finale, as these characters, and Bennett, deserved more time on the page.



This issue of Bombshells United ends this book in a beautiful oeuvre to the characters and their fans.