Is the Doom Patrol Streaming Series Aimed at Adult Audiences?

Doom Patrol - DC Comics News

Recently, a series of audition tapes for the upcoming Doom Patrol television series leaked and revealed that the DC Universe series might be more adult-oriented.

In the tapes for Doom Patrol, there is a scene between Cyborg, who guest appears on the show before his regular role in subsequent seasons on Titans, and his father. There is also a scene between Cyborg and Cliff Steele aka Robotman. Warner Brothers has since had those audition tapes removed, but if the language is any indicator, the series will be much more mature than previous DC shows. The transcript is still available below.

While the dialogue from the tapes might not actually exist in the show itself, it does make sense that DC and WB would use the new streaming service as an opportunity to have more mature shows that can compete with the Netflix Marvel shows.

Scene 1 transcript

Cyborg – “Ask me how my day was? Dad”

Off-Screen Silas Stone – “What? This is foolishness let’s begin.”

Cyborg – “Why?! Nobody here but us. Nobody to see Doctor Silas Stone let his guard down just long enough to ask his son how his damn day was.”

Off-Screen Silas Stone -“What is it you think we do here?”

Cyborg – “Oh, I know what you do here. Me. All you do is me.”

Off-Screen Silas Stone -“That’s right. All I do here and all I think about is you. You are my every waking thought. My life’s purpose. But let’s chat about you hanging with your pals please?”

Cyborg – “Oh, you think I was hanging with my pals? Ok, which pals? My football pals? My academic decathlon pals? All my pals I’ve met since this! Who do you think I’m hanging with huh? Talking about what? At whose house? What movie we watching. Tell me one damn thing they’re gonna say to a freak like me that I can’t already see in their eyes? [Pause] I took a walk down by the landfill. It’s quiet there, nobody bothers me I guess I lost track of time. How is your day Dad?


Scene 2 transcript

Cyborg – “Help me out here? How is this a choose?”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele – “There’s always a choice.”

Cyborg – “Somebody abducts your boss. The man who saved your life and you save his.”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele – “He’s not my boss”

Cyborg – “The Chief.”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“You don’t know what you don’t know.”

Cyborg – “His name is literally The Chief. Wait, your sweet on that woman.”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“Eat me.”

Cyborg – “That woman down the hall with the kids. Robotman’s got a crush!”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“Shut your fucking hole.”

Cyborg – “Woah, back up there fella. Back. Up. You know I can help you with all this.”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“Pass.”

Cyborg – “Get the party started.”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“Fuck me.”

Cyborg “You just said ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“I was talking about you asshole”

Cyborg – “Ok, so you got a handle on the whole single mom thing then.”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“Mhm”

Cyborg – “A lot of land mines there brother.”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“Ok, bugging out. Let’s save The Chief.”

Cyborg – “Oh now?!”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“Now.”

Cyborg – “I don’t know Cliff. I’m feeling a little bit vulnerable.”

Off-Screen Cliff Steele -“Go.”

Cyborg – “After you Tin Man.”


Doom Patrol first appeared in My Greatest Adventure #80 in June 1963 and will premiere on DC Universe new streaming service.

Cameron Tevis

Hi, I'm Cameron Tevis and I've been a comic book, anime and film fan my entire life. While I like Marvel and anime my true love is DC Comics. My father, who was a fan himself, introduced me at a very young age to the amazing characters in DC (especially Hal Jordan Green Lantern). I think it's a fantastic time to be a comic book fan and I'm happy I get to write about the company that I love so much. Besides being a DC fan, I am a designer and I recently started a comic book series of my own called Event Cycle 6 published through Aporian Comics. I recently wrote and directed a short film "The Misadventures of Harley Quinn". And most importantly I am now a father to my beautiful daughter Arya Jade!