New Wonder Woman Trailer Hints At Official Title

The head of DC Films, Geoff Johns, has released a ‘Wonder Woman 2‘ teaser trailer to his Facebook page. We have yet to have an official title but this may give us that juicy tidbit. The teaser reads “WW84” which strongly hints that the official title for the “sequel” (because it’s not really a sequel) will be Wonder Woman 1984. Director Patty Jenkins also updated her Twitter banner to include the teaser.

Last week Warner Bros. registered a ton of domain names and was one of them. The website is not currently live but the film is scheduled to start production this month. So it should be live soon for all of us to enjoy.

Patty Jenkins confirmed rumors back in April that the film will take place in the 1980s.

Shaina Lucas

Shaina Lucas

Hi! I'm Shaina aka the Jokergurl. I've been studying comics (namely Batman) since I was 12 years old, and possibly even before that. My forte is being up on absolutely everything there is to know about the Caped Crusader, and both the Clown Prince and Princess of Crime. I recently graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with an MA in English and Creative Writing and an MFA in Creative Writing from National University. I am also a Digital Marketing expert. I have a cat Strawberry and a dog Ashes and spend most of my time reading, editing, cosplaying, and gaming on Game of Honor. Have a happy!