Review: Detective Comics #981

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: James T Tynion IV

Artists: Raúl Fernandez & Alvaro Martinez




“Batmen Eternal” finale! This is it—the unbelievable conclusion of James Tynion IV’s Batman epic! It’s the last stand of the Gotham Knights, fighting a monster they helped inspire…and a destiny they won’t accept! What will become of the greatest crime-fighting team Gotham City ever saw?


We get to see a true heart-to-heart conversation in a deleted possible scenario between Bruce and Kate. As much as he has been hiding from the team and Batwoman, this is probably Bruce at his most vulnerable. We also see Tim fight through Brother Eye’s technology in hopes of defeating its power over him as he fights the anguish of seeing every possible scenario that his future may play out.

The team finds a resolution as each member either takes a sabbatical or goes back to work, giving a nice finality to this issue. And lastly, Kate and Cassandra find a way to give back without working with Batman, as their purpose just became bigger.



The victory over Brother Eye seems anticlimactic.




This arc is sentimental without being too much, so definitely check out this issue!