Rumour: Warner Bros. Looking At 2020 For Man Of Steel Sequel

Man of Steel 2 - DC Comics News

It goes without saying that Superman fans are chomping at the bit for a standalone sequel to 2013 Man of Steel. If the latest round of rumours are to be believed, the possibility of another solo outing for big blue may finally be on the cards.

Revenge of the fans editor in chief Mario Robles has reported that Warner Bros. are indeed looking to push on with a Man of Steel sequel, even eying a 2020 release.

According to Robles, Warner Bros. has put the Superman follow-up at the top of its priority list and looking to move forward despite not having a script or director confirmed.

Please remember this is no more than a rumour at this stage with no official word from Warner Bros. or any other official outlet.

We do know however that Warner Bros. has several projects in development for DC, such as Gotham City Sirens and Black Adam with both being looked at to join the DCEU but as of right now the only official projects are Aquaman, Shazam! And Wonder Woman 2.

I think its fair to say that despite the lacklustre response to Justice League fans are excited for the continued evolution of Henry Cavill’s Superman. We’ve heard the rumours that Superman is to become the Nick Fury of the DCEU, which would be great, but I personally feel following his resurrection in Justice League, now would be the opportune time for a Man of Steel standalone sequel.

Come on Warner Bros. The stories are there, Cavil wants it, fans want it…Make it happen!

Rob Towsey

Rob Towsey

Husband, father and lover of all things DC. Big fan of the big three, Superman, Batman & Wonder Woman.