Anna Diop reacts to backlash of ‘Starfire’ look for live action Titans TV show

Last week a few photos leaked throughout the shooting of the live action Titans TV show, ones of which each did not look as good as the producers had intended. As can be expected the backlash when it came to imagery was fierce, but some were downright deplorable, as much of it was directed at Anna Diop’s look onscreen, as the pictures below shows what most fans got to see:

Of course, the actress responded publicly on her Instagram account:

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In which she said:” To the ‘Titans’ fans:

Yesterday a photo of me on set leaked online. And it was unfortunate because fans have been waiting MONTHS for a photo of ‘Starfire’ and a sloppy (😐) photo of me on a curb in 15 degree weather is what they got instead 😂 For the sake of our incredible fans – I hated that this is the first picture people are seeing. It’s out of context and it’s a misrepresentation of the incredible character I get to play. And also a misrepresentation of the phenomenal production behind it all.
With that said – the hate speech that followed was deplorable. And though I am highly unbothered 💅🏿 I do want to use this as an opportunity to say that tearing people down is not something that I tolerate. For myself or anyone else. Too often social media is abused by some who find refuge in the anonymity and detachment it provides: misused as a tool to harass, abuse, and spew hatred at others. This is weak, sad, and a direct reflection of the abuser.

Racist, derogatory, and/or cruel comments have nothing to do with the person on the receiving end of that abuse. And because I know this – I’m unfazed 🙂 But for anyone out there who may not – I am here to remind you that whatever ugly and negative thing anyone ever chooses to say about you is always a reflection and revelation of themselves- it does NOT define you, and it certainly does NOT make you any less perfect than you are – Be you! Stay beautiful! Live breezy 🙂 As always,
Much love 💕”

As can be seen, the actress has been the consummate professional, despite the horrible comments and outright hate speech directed towards her, as fans should embrace the diversity of this cast and the possibility of different and exciting storytelling.