Jake Gyllenhaal Says He Wont Be The Next Batman

It’s been around for some time that director Matt Reeves was meeting with actors about playing Batman in The Batman. The one name that keeps circulating is Jake Gyllenhaal, with rumours abound that he’s Reeves number one choice.

Gyllenhaal, who recently took part in an interview with CNA Lifestyle was asked outright if he was going to be the new Batman.

Gyllenhaal laughed and said “wow, that’s a very difficult question. The answer to that question is ‘no’”.

You can check out the interview in the link below, the question is around the 1:30 mark.


It can be said that if he was to play Batman he probably wouldn’t have just come out and revealed it before Ben Affleck has officially stood down, but let’s not forget that Jason Mamoa also stated he wasn’t playing Aquaman before being officially announced.

If Affleck is out, would you have liked to have seen Gyllenhaal play Batman or is there a better choice out there?

Rob Towsey

Rob Towsey

Husband, father and lover of all things DC. Big fan of the big three, Superman, Batman & Wonder Woman.