Review: Detective Comics #978

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: James T Tynion IV

Artists: Javier Fernandez



“Batmen Eternal” part three! Congratulations, Batwoman—you have an entire army at your command. So how are you going to use it?


In this issue, we get to see Batman be the detective that fans have come to love, as his deductive reasoning is on par with the most legendary investigators in the world, and this issue shows readers this fact.  We also get to see our first meeting between Bruce and Kate, since Batwoman took control of the Colony, in a very different dynamic, as antagonists to each other’s agendas.

Ulysses also unleashes a fatal blow using Kate’s Colony soldiers, a move that will confound Batman and Batwoman. The last few panels gives fans a nightmarish future  that only Ulysses’ technology can give.



There are no negatives worth mentioning in this issue.



This is a definite must buy issue, as where this story is going is a place I don’t think fans have seen it go.