Sean Penn Comments on Those ‘Dark Knight’ Joker Rumours

Back in 2005, rumours circulated that Christopher Nolan had his sights set on Sean Penn as his Joker for The Dark Knight. Now 13 years on and Penn has finally commented on said rumours on the latest episode of Happy Sad Confused podcast.

“I don’t recall that. If he did, he never told me himself,” Penn replied when asked about the rumours that Christopher Nolan wanted him as The Joker. “Between the indelible one that Jack [Nicholson] did, and then when Heath Ledger came along and made it a new kind of rock and roll. Listen, yes, over the years I’ve been offered a couple of things that became extremely successful genre pictures, and in most cases when I looked at them I think that with me in it, they would not have been extremely successful genre pictures.”

We all know how it all eventually played out with the late Heath Ledger taking the role and giving us (In my opinion) the best portrayal of Joker to date on the big screen.

That all being said, and Ledger aside, how do you think Penn would have done playing The Joker?

Rob Towsey

Rob Towsey

Husband, father and lover of all things DC. Big fan of the big three, Superman, Batman & Wonder Woman.