Beginning in Nightwing #44, the star writer, Benjamin Percy, who has been acclaimed for his run on Green Arrow, will begin his newest job writing the sometimes-controversial titular character.
His arc will be called “The Bleeding Edge”, where a new product allows citizens to immerse themselves in a totally digital world. This may remind older comics fans of Pepe Moreno’s classic standalone, Batman: Digital Justice. He will be joined by Christopher Mooneyham who will do art. Percy recently gave an interview providing insight on what to expect:
On his approach to the character:
“The best way to approach NIGHTWING is as a high-octane, adrenaline-fueled mystery and adventure,” says Benjamin Percy on his new assignment writing the famous BATMAN sidekick. “I’m going to crank up the volume on that world, dose it full of steroids and poison, and dream up a digital nightmare that will ultimately impact the entire DCU.”
On his upcoming arc:
“It is ironically Nightwing’s off-the-radar status that makes him the ideal detective for the case. Consider how Gotham and Blüdhaven are shadow-soaked, crime-ridden environments,”… “One of the things I love about Nightwing is his irrepressible optimism. This joy—a love of the game, a showman’s theatricality—is tonally essential to my approach. I see it as a necessary counterweight to material that might otherwise feel oppressively grim. In this way, Grayson really captures the hopeful maxim that has defined the Rebirth era.”
On working with Mooneyham:
“He’s got a tight line, cinematic vision, and can ground one moment in emotional realism and elevate the next to eye-popping levels of super-heroic awesomeness”
Between Percy and Mooneyham, it already sounds like the new team will take this book to different and exciting places this character has yet to see. Nightwing #44 hits stands on May 2, 2018.