Review: Bombshells United #12

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Marguerite Bennett

Artists: Sandy Jarrell



Black Adam’s powers have grown over centuries. But Miri Marvel isn’t afraid to join the fight against him!



The reader gets caught in an existential loop with Batwoman as she gets knocked in the head with her own bat. This gives the reader a nice perspective, letting us know she is human and has regrets like the rest of us. We get an all-out fight between Talia Al Ghul and Black Adam, as it seems that both have met their match, which is surprising considering the centuries it took Black Adam to build his powers. The art by Jarrell is gorgeous and fits right in with Bennett’s writing, as the way she draws reactions are a gift to the reader. We also get to see Black Adam through his heartbreak, as Isis sacrificed herself against all evil, including him.



The death of Black Adam seems a bit too much, as I hoped Bennett would have written where he died at the Hands of Talia or Batwoman



Buy, as this issue ends the story for several key characters but gives hope for those who survive.