Oliver Queen has had to deal with a lot in the past few months: The splintering of Team Arrow, the FBI investigation into his secret identity, and the machinations of Cayden James now revealed to be instigated by Richard Dragon. However, the latest synopsis released by The CW reveals either welcome help…or another hindrance.
Entitled “Doppelganger,” the upcoming episode of Arrow features the return of an old friend:
ROY HARPER RETURNS – Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) are shocked to hear that Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) is back in Star City. However, when they discover the circumstances of Roy’s return, Oliver and Thea realize that Roy is in trouble and jump in to save him. Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) makes a shocking discovery.
Kristin Windell directed the episode with story by Christos Gage & Ruth Fletcher Gage and teleplay by Speed Weed.
Portrayed by Colton Haynes, Roy Harper was a teenage street thief who became Oliver’s first protégé in the first few seasons. Overcoming the effects of the dangerous Mirakuru, Roy became Ollie’s full-time crime fighting partner, the crimson-clad Arsenal, alongside Diggle. However, after taking the fall for Oliver as The Arrow and having his death faked by his team, Harper left Star City and his role and colors were filled by Thea as Speedy. He briefly was forced back last year through the manipulations of The Calculator.
While his return could provide Oliver with the assistance he sorely needs, Harper’s presence carries the double-edged sword of the possible reveal that both The Arrow is alive and that Oliver himself was the original Emerald Archer before rechristening himself Green Arrow two years ago. However, the fact he once doubled for Oliver before, this could be the subterfuge he needs to retain his secret identity and deter the FBI from their investigation. The title of this episode could refer to either him or Earth-2’s Laurel Lance.
Arrow returns from Olympics hiatus on Thursday, March 1st at 8pm on The CW.