Mark Strong Confirmed to Play Doctor Sivana in ‘Shazam’

A few months ago, rumors surface that Mark Strong was in talks to play Doctor Sivana in Shazam, and in an interview with Contact Music this last week, those rumors were confirmed.

Strong seems really excited to play the character saying,

“I’m playing an evil bastard called Doctor Sivana, they are always the best characters to play, the most fun.  I was Sinestro in Green Lantern which I though was a rather good film but it didn’t do what they wanted so I feel like I’ve got unfinished business in the DC world, I played a pretty evil character in that and he was meant to get even worse in the second one but that never happened but I think I’m going to get the chance to do that in ‘Shazam!’, I hope so.”

Strong mentions that the film is quite funny and ties it to elements of Big, and Stranger Things.  He has also been through some rigorous training for this role and mentions that he thinks he will be doing a lot of flying around and shooting electricity from his hands.

Strong also talked about the heavy secrecy surrounding the Shazam script saying, “If you stop reading the script for 20 seconds then the whole thing goes fuzzy and you have to start again. Everything is watermarked and traceable too.”

Shazam begins shooting in Toronto this February and has a release date of April 5, 2019.

Ari Bard

I am currently a Sophomore at Case Western Reserve University studying mechanical engineering. I have been in love with DC since I saw the animated series and movies in the early 2000s. I started reading comics regularly at the start of Rebirth. My favorite character is Martian Manhunter.