Geoff Johns Will Remain DC FILMS Co-Head, Partnering With Hamada

It’s official…Geoff Johns will stay on as co-head of Warner Bros. Pictures’ DC Films division, working with Walter Hamada, who was recently promoted. Hamada’s official title will be President of DC-Based Film Production, with Johns remaining as DC Entertainment President and Chief Creative Officer. This is what Toby Emmerich, Warner Bros.’ President/Chief Content Officer had to say:

Walter is creative, resourceful, and committed to excellence, and will bring those qualities to his oversight of our superhero films. He’s a terrific production executive and served as an executive producer on two of the summer’s most popular films, New Line’s It and Annabelle: Creation. I’m confident Walter and Geoff, working with our filmmaking partners, will deliver films that will resonate with both broad global audiences as well as DC fanboys and fangirls. Walter’s a great addition to the Warner Bros. Pictures team, and I look forward to working with him in his new post.

It’s exciting that they will be working together and Emmerich seems confident in the pair.