DC Legends Reveal New Characters and New Year Events

DC Legends is getting an update, including new characters as well as events to see in the New Year!

WB has revealed that Power Girl and Superboy (Jon Kent) will be joining the superhero roster, each with an impressive set of powers to help stop Nekron and his Manhunters.

DC Legends is free to play, but expect to put in some time to unlock the new characters. For Power Girl you’ll need to complete some exclusive in-game events. The “Adventures of Super-Sitting” event will run from the 6th to the 16th of January followed by “My Cousin Kara” event which runs from the 20th to the 30th of January. You’ll have to complete all these events to unlock your new hero. Unfortunately, Superboy will have to be purchased if you wish to add him to your team of heroes.

Below is a list of both characters set of powers:

Power Girl:

• Power Punch: Damage to an enemy, gain +2 Strength Ups. Legendary: 40% Chance to strike twice.

• Solar Charge: Gain Taunt, +5 Str Ups, +20% Turn Meter. Legendary: Start battle with Taunt and Death Immunity.

• Zor-L-Slam: Damage all Enemies, Ignore Shields. Legendary: +30% Damage if Powergirl has 5+ Strength Ups.

• You’re Dealing with Me!: If Power Girl takes Damage, Gain 25% Turn Meter, +1 Strength Up. Legendary: Also 40% Chance to use Power Punch on Attacker if Power Girl has 4+ Strength Ups.

• Earth-2 Survivor: At beginning of each enemy turn, 65% chance to gain Death Immunity if Power Girl has 4+ Strength Ups. Legendary: Equal Chance to Gain 20% Overheal.


• Super Slam: Light Damage to an enemy, if Superboy has True Sight, Purge 2 Immunity, 2 Invisibilty, and 2 Taunt. Legendary: 30% Chance to Stun if Superboy has True Sight.

• Heat-Vision Burst: Special Damage to an enemy. Gain 3 True Sights. Legendary: Purge 2 to 5 Buffs

• Frost Breath: Apply Stun. 20% chance for extra Stun duration. Legendary: 50% chance to use Super Slam on random target. 25% chance for a second Super Slam.

• Emerging Super-Senses: At start of turn, 80% Chance to gain True Sight. Legendary: If already has True Sight, also 40% chance to gain Damage Immunity.

• Natural Hero Instincts: At the end of each ally’s turn, gain 8% Turn Meter Up if any hero has Taunt or Invisibility. Legendary: Apply Turn Meter Up +5% to random ally.

Rob Towsey

Rob Towsey

Husband, father and lover of all things DC. Big fan of the big three, Superman, Batman & Wonder Woman.