Review: Batgirl #18

[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: Hope Larson

Artists: Sami Basri & Jessica Kholinne



It’s the holiday season in Burnside, and everyone is getting into the spirit…including Harley Quinn! After the maid of mischief infects Barbara Gordon’s company party with a killer virus, Batgirl must embark on a wild-goose chase around the city to find a cure. The clock’s ticking—will our hero save the day in time?


I like the cover by Dan Mora. I love the white snow contrasted with the brightness of Harley and Batgirl’s costumes. The colors are very vibrant and they look great.

The interior art is by Sami Basri with colors by Jessica Kholinne. The latter’s colors are probably my favorite aspect of the issue. I love the winter colors; it’s an issue I will probably go back to every year around the holidays because of this. Basri’s pencils and inks are great as well; the characters are very expressive and there’s a nice style to the whole issue.

I love the basic premise of Harley trying to recreate A Christmas Carol in real life. It’s funny to see a story about morality from the eyes of someone without morals. It’s a clever twist on the tale.

I love that this is a stand alone issue. Hope Larson has consistently paced her Batgirl stories well. If a story needs to be multiple parts, it never feels too long, and if it needs to be one issue, it never feels too short. That’s impressive in an age when it feels like a lot of comic book stories are forced to be six or seven parts for the sake of the trade even when the story doesn’t require that length.



There are no negatives worth mentioning in this issue.



This is a wonderful issue. The art is gorgeous especially for this time of year. I like that the story is self contained while still being exciting and clever. And it’s an enjoyable issue; it’s really fun to read.


Sean Blumenshine

Sean Blumenshine

I am currently a senior at Wichita State University studying communications. I started reading comics in 2013 because of how much I loved Man of Steel and season one of Arrow. My favorite hero is the Green Arrow and my favorite villain is the Joker.