Review: Nightwing: The New Order #5

[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers.]

Writer: Kyle Higgins

Artists: Trevor McCarthy, Dean White

Covers: Trevor McCarthy



With the help of the Titans, Dick Grayson rescues his son from the New Order, and must now decide how to keep him safe.


What an amazing story! What makes issue #5 so great was just how complex this story is becoming. It’s not white or black, good or bad. It’s becoming a very dark grey with a whole lot of middle that keeps blurring the lines between what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s the type of story that really makes you think about who are truly the heroes and villains of the story. Is Dick Grayson the hero, or a villain who has his own agenda? Is Kate Kane the villain of the story, or a hero whose only interested in keeping the world safe?

Somewhere in all this, we have Jake Grayson, who seems to have really formed his own opinion and ideas in this issue, which, of course, complicates things even further. In essence, this issue continues where issue #4 left off, but with unpredictable conclusions.

From the start of this story, I’ve always wondered what happened to Batman, Dick’s mentor and father in many ways. Well, we finally find out in this issue, and it was revealed in spectacular fashion. So much so I had to do a double take just to make sure I got it all. The imagery was so incredible, that the page didn’t even need dialogue. And why would it? The picture really speaks for itself.

The art once again was incredible, and suits this series perfectly. Beautiful grey tones and blacks add to the old feel and look of the story, but still had enough color to be visually pleasing. The page I mentioned earlier about Batman’s reveal was definitely the best page of the issue, if not the series.



No negatives to mention.



Fantastic story with surprising twists and compelling characters really make this issue stand out in this series. The beautiful artwork complimented the story perfectly, which sets up an epic conclusion to the story in the next and final issue.

Danny Saab

Writer and producer of DC fan films Girl of Steel and Batgirl Rises. Started reading monthly comics 5 years ago and never looked back. Sheer and absolute allegiance to the greatest hero that ever lived, Supergirl.