Review: Trinity #16

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Rob Williams

Artists: Sandu Florea, V Ken Marion



“OLD ACQUAINTANCE”! It’s New Year’s Eve, and as the snow falls on New York City our Trinity reunites to save the life of someone completely unexpected—one of the DC Universe’s coldest killers: Deadshot!


In this issue, we see a much less sardonic version of Deadshot, someone more resembling the character Will Smith played in the Suicide Squad movie.  The art by Florea and Marion, is superbly drawn, as they masterfully embellish the Big Three unlike what has been seen before.

The fight scenes between the Big Three plus Deadshot against Kobra and his goons are pretty electrifying.  Lastly, the banter between Deadshot and Batman is interesting, as they take turns sniping at each other and telling some truths long time readers will only understand about both of these characters


The chemistry between the Big Three seems off at times, which may be understandable with Deadhsot in the picture; the character may offset the synergy.



Buy. This is the perfect story for the holidays.