First Image of Jason Momoa in ‘Aquaman’

aquaman dc comics news

Although the Justice League did not live up to the expectations of Warner Bros., it looks like it did not slow down the buzz for the rest of the movies within the DCEU. With all the recent rumblings of all the details surrounding the Shazam movie, most fans might forget that we already have a recently wrapped DCEU film ready to hit theaters next year…Aquaman.

The above image shows a much more intimidating version of Aquaman than what we saw in the recent Justice League movie. Director James Wan and Aquaman himself Jason Momoa, in an interview, wanted to ensure fans of the things they did differently to ensure not only that this was a movie fans could be proud of, but that it was a completely different movie than Justice League. Below are some highlights:


On tonal differences:

It’s going to look very different, it will feel very different — aesthetically, tonally, story-wise — it’s my own take,”……. “It’s a much more a traditional action-adventure quest movie.”


Momoa wanted to reiterate how this movie is different than what fans have seen:

Justice League was only a weekend in Arthur Curry’s life,” …. “This is a totally different beast. In Aquaman, you see when his parents met and what happened to hem. Then the little boy being raised and finding his powers and going through that and never being accepted on either side. And then becoming this man who puts up all these walls. You just slowly see this man harden up and be completely reluctant wanting to be king and not knowing what to do with these powers he has. I think James Wan just killed it.”


On the character’s unpopularity outside of comics:

“Aquaman has been the joke of the comic book world, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought how cool that would be,” Wan explains. “Let’s take the character everybody makes fun of and do something really interesting with him.”


I must admit I am one of those  comic book fans that still remembers Aquaman from the Super Friends cartoon, and not much else. The direction Wan and Momoa are taking this character looks like it may really change minds of not only the general public, but comic book fans as well.