Review: Bombshells United #7

[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Marguerite Bennett

Artists: Richard Ortiz


“Tonight, we will free Spain. Tomorrow, we will free the world!” Or so Renee Montoya hopes, but the rebels are falling to the fascist forces, and a new threat has risen: Black Adam!


The art by Ortiz is the gem in this arc, as his aesthetics have elevated the book, offering the reader something even more pleasant to the eye than the previous artists. The reader also gets a view of how it is to fight for the resistance in Spain, a sight rarely seen in this series thus far, and often, very sparse, in other tellings of World War II. The reader also gets s a different side of Rene Montoya, aka The Question, as she is a freedom fighter in this story, a role many expatriates took when WWII happened.  Lastly, the fact that the villain in this book is Black Adam is pretty cool, as it is nice to see him back in the books. Hopefully Shazam won’t be far behind.


None, as the team has their pacing going good for this issue, an improvement over the last.



Buy, even if it is just to see Black Adam as an evil General.