Production Designs on Batman’s Bat-Cycle that might have appeared in “Justice League”!

The Justice League feature film has been released and fans from all across the world have sated their appetite on the assembling of the most iconic heroes in the DC Comics pantheon finally coming together on the big screen, but as the backstory regarding the “much imperiled” production have now circulated, additional reports emerge on many aspects originally intended to be a part of the film that didn’t make it to the final cut.

The film’s director Zack Snyder is infamous for his grandiosely dense storytelling. Snyder excels at creating near monolithic landscapes that give his characters a much more textured realm in which to play in. It’s perhaps why the filmmaker aligned himself with production designer Patrick Tatopoulos to conceive of much of the world that the Justice League would be engaged in as they arrive the the dawn of justice.

One of the designs that escaped the production archives and made it onto the social networking arena is Tatopoulos’ reimagining of a antigravity “Bat-Cycle” that is no doubt a part of the mighty arsenal at the whim of crime-fighter Bruce Wayne’s (Ben Affleck) alter-ego The Batman. The designer released the sketch on Instagram to gauge audience response to the very futuristic design that wasn’t employed in the final film.

Whether or not Snyder requested the production designer envision this mode of transportation for a scene that was cut from the final shoot script, or if the cycle may make an appearance in any of the follow-ups is unclear, at least as of this writing. The design has been received with mixed reactions from fans, who deem it’s just too “Blade Runner-ish” and others hope that if Batman does use the Bat-Cycle in the future it will appear more conventionally.

What is for certain that after the studio requested Joss Whedon come in to compete production on the film after Snyder took some time off for personal reasons, there has been much speculation that the original director’s cut of Justice League may see the light of day. Zack Snyder delivered a superior cut of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice the precursor to this film, that filled in many plot points and more narratively made the extended version far more compete.

If you want to see the Bat-Cycle in action we may have to wait for The Batman solo feature of perhaps it may crop up in Justice League 2.

JC Alvarez

JC Alvarez

A native New Yorker and avid comic book fan, JC Alvarez is a pop-culture enthusiast engaged in chronicling the diverse perspective of entertainment, genre fandom, and celebrity culture. Happily engaged in the ever-constant speed force!